Solar panels provide energy equity for community housing tenants

Ten new solar power systems have been switched on in Wodonga to help social housing clients in the fight against rising electricity costs.

Ten BeyondHousing properties in Wodonga have had their panels installed, and the tenants have begun the transition to a renewable energy future and lower bills.

The project is one of the first of its kind in Australia, with BeyondHousing, the largest community housing organisation in the region, partnering with Renewable Albury-Wodonga Energy Incorporated (RAW Energy Inc.) to deliver the project.

BeyondHousing CEO, Celia Adams said installing solar panels is an important step in reducing living costs for some of Wodonga’s most vulnerable citizens while contributing towards a reduction in the organisation’s carbon footprint.  “We are very much aware of the collective environmental impact of our existing properties and are adopting a range of initiatives to minimise this impact and enable our tenants to make decisions around their energy usage based on the education and guidance they receive as part of the solar system package for their home.”

“For equity reasons there’s a basic desire to use solar energy as a way to reach groups that wouldn’t otherwise have the capacity to participate in renewable energy,” said Ms Adams.

“There is still a whole section of our community on low incomes that rent a home, public or private, that are yet to tap into the benefits of solar energy. This is an amazing opportunity to reach our goal of empowering tenants in the social housing properties we own, to provide them savings on their energy bills, and of closing that gap in participation.”

Jackie’s home she shares with her five children was the first of the ten BeyondHousing properties to have the 4kW systems installed. With quarterly bills running to thousands of dollars, due to the heating and cooling required to maintain a constant healthy temperature for her asthmatic child, Jackie had been struggling to keep up with payments.

This year, the solar panels on Jackie’s roof will slash her energy bills, with a smart control device giving her family control over how they use energy.

Jackie said she felt excited and positive about being included in the project. “I’m thrilled that my home has the solar panels and I have a chance to see how we use energy and to make some practical changes that help my family pay less on electricity and have more for my children’s education and health.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing the benefits of the solar system and hoping in the future that more people can also receive a system and to benefit like we have.”

Katies home also had the 4kW system installed. As well as the impact on her budget, Katie was excited about being able to reduce her impact on the environment through her new solar power system.

“I think everyone is concerned about the future and climate change. When you’re on such a tight budget and you’re a renter, you don’t think you’ve got the means to reduce your impact on the environment and use solar power. But this solar system has given us the chance to be part of caring for our planet in an everyday way,” Katie said.

The partnership with Renewable Albury-Wodonga Energy Inc. provides energy equity to community housing tenants that otherwise wouldn’t have the financial or technical means to access renewables.

Renewable Albury-Wodonga Energy Inc. President Bobbi McKibbin said they were thrilled to be able to partner with BeyondHousing and their clients. “A key goal of our community group is to ensure that everyone can be part of the transition to a clean energy future and share in its benefits,” she said. 

“Wodonga has the  highest rate of electricity disconnection in Victoria and we see this as a key area where we can support our community, not just through installing solar panels but by working with families to share skills that enable them to monitor and have greater control over their energy use,” said Ms McKibbin.

This project has been made possible through funding under the Victorian Government’s Renewable Communities Program.

The milestone for the project will be celebrated at an event on October 14, as part of Anti-Poverty week

BeyondHousing is the largest community housing organisation within the Goulburn and Ovens Murray regions of Victoria. BeyondHousing is the main entry point for the homelessness system and provides a range of supports for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. If you or anyone you know is experiencing or at risk of homelessness, call 1800 825 955.